Individual, community and environmental wellbeing are intrinsically linked. Physical and mental health help to promote personal wellbeing, without which individuals are less likely to contribute to the health of society and their community, and a healthy environment further enhances personal wellbeing. Physical and mental illness, injury, obesity and other problems affecting individuals can help to undermine community health and environmental quality.
Research suggests that outdoor, nature-based activity has positive benefits not only on physical, but mental health too ensuring benefit for a wide range of participants including the elderly and those with mental illnesses such as depression, as well as the physically unwell and recovering.
BTCV’s ‘Green Gyms’ give individuals the opportunity to improve personal physical and mental health and fitness through regular practical outdoors environmental work. Groups meet throughout the UK usually on a weekly basis and are open to all to join. Participants take part in guided activities designed to improve the physical environment. Typical activities include tree planting, repairing and maintaining nature trails or other maintenance work in protected areas. Individuals are encouraged to work at their own pace. All groups have a relaxed atmosphere and there is a strong social element to the sessions. Sessions generally last half a day and healthy refreshments are provided for participants.
Recruitment of participants takes place through public advertising, and where possible by working with local health professionals such as doctors and therapists to provide a route for referral onto the project to complement other treatment.
Personal benefits are often translated into greater engagement by the individual with community and society and increased awareness of the impact of environmental health on community. There are direct environmental benefits from the practical aspects of Green Gym activities.
Theme linkage
Improved health and wellbeing
Promotes improved physical health in participants; promotes improved mental health in participants; contributes to individuals’ sense of community; cost effective delivery compared to medication and hospital-based therapy.
Climate change adaptation
Work activities directly contribute to conserving environmental quality. Strengthened society increases community resilience.
Contact BTCV for more information
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