
Have you got a case study you can share?

We work to a fixed format to make the case studies as accessible as possible.

Here's some guidance to help you get started - get in touch if you have any queries:

The case studies are short (250 word) general project descriptions written so that the reader can gain a quick understan
ding of the idea, and easily visualise its application elsewhere. Each is then accompanied by an explicit interpretation in terms of a set of broad internationally recognised policy or funding agendas, and its contribution to the UN Millennium Development Goals. This interpretation element will be completed by the editorial team and subject to your final approval.
The case studies are deliberately presented as brief, easily readable summaries. It is anticipated that their authors will welcome direct approaches from those interested in finding out more detail.

The broad agendas are:
  • Climate change adaptation;
  • Sustainable land use;
  • Improved health and wellbeing;
  • Good governance.
Case studies should not exceed 300 words and should be structured around the following three questions:
  1. What was the problem?
  2. What was done to address it?
  3. What were the outcomes?
Please note the following tips:
  • Work to a maximum of 300 words;
  • Avoid technical terms or ‘development speak’ – this isn’t a funding report.
  • Avoid specifics that would not be relevant if implementing elsewhere – e.g. a list of village names or plant species;
  • Ensure the problem presented and project outcomes are related;
  • All information or assertions must be accurate and able to be verified or referenced, however there is no need to provide justification or reference in the short summary. Readers will be able to contact you and find out more.
 Submit draft case studies to ACENet