Thursday, 9 December 2010

Case Study: tree planting to preserve water, Green Care Association, Cameroon

Water shortage creates seasonal problems for people in the rural areas of North West Cameroon. Unpredictable and variable weather causes many water sources to dry up particularly in the dry season. People, primarily women, are required to walk significant distances to find alternative sources of water for domestic use from dams and unmanaged streams and rivers. 

To address this, Green Care Association (GCA) developed a community tree nursery to grow and supply carefully selected seedlings to affected water catchments. The organisation worked in close partnership with local government offices and community leaders to identify and select these, mobilise local support for planting and raise awareness of the value of tree planting to protect catchments. GCA organised community tree planting days at each targeted water catchment. Informal training workshops on basic tree planting, tree care, seedling collection and tree nursery management were carried out and GCA worked with communities to establish management committees to take overall responsibility for management and care of the planted trees.

Trees have increased shade and stabilised soils, and reliability of water flow throughout the year has improved. Increased variety of tree species has provided further economic and environmental benefits within communities, providing support for bee farming, carving, food provision, medicinal uses and increasing habitat for wildlife.

Theme Linkages
Climate Change Adaptation
Improves resilience of water supply; contributes to absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Improved Health and Wellbeing
Helps maintain adequate water supply for domestic use; reduces distances travelled to collect water; provides further sources of food and household income.

Sustainable Land Use
Contributes to erosion control, protection and conservation of water supply and flood prevention.

Good Governance
Promotes the development of community management structures with the support of local government.

Contribution to Millennium Development Goals
Target 7a: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources
Target 7b: Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss 
Target 7c: Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation

Contact Green Care Association for more information

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